PRAYER board
Perhaps you’ve noticed one of the more prominent features of the outdoor architecture of our building – our large prayer board.
In a day when literal and figurative walls are being erected between nations and peoples, we as a community of faith have imagined a type of wall that eliminates barriers, brings diverse people together and connects people with God.
The question atop this large chalkboard asks, “What shall we pray for?” in English and Spanish.
The goal of our prayer board is to invite the thousands of people who pass by the corner of 16th and Newton Streets, whether they are coming to an event in our building or are neighbors walking home, to lift up their thanksgivings and concerns in prayer.
Each week at our worship services inside our building, we say the Prayers of the People together. We pray for the universal church and its work, the world, and people in need near and far. This board showing the concerns of our neighbors and passersby gives us a glimpse of the needs, concerns and thanksgivings of people outside of our building. It’s one of the many ways we connect and open up to our community.
We realize that with an outdoor board, rain will fall and people’s writing will not stay permanently, but new expressions can be added. We have designed it as a dynamic space.
Whether you have come to our building for a purpose or are just passing by on your way somewhere else, we invite you to write on our prayer board. We hope through it we might we be a blessing and be blessed by your participation in it.